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  • Neuralink, Gold Beans, and the Energy Transition

Neuralink, Gold Beans, and the Energy Transition



  • Neuralink’s revolutionary breakthrough

  • Chipotle’s Stock Split

  • Adani Green Energy Developments

  • and more


Brain-Controlled Chess & Tweets Are Here

The future of human-computer interaction just checkmated the present. Using a brain-computer interface (BCI) implant, Arbaugh, a participant in Neuralink’s trials, not only played a competitive chess game online, but also posted a celebratory tweet – all through the power of thought.

This accomplishment marks a significant milestone for Neuralink. While Neuralink had previously showcased the ability to control cursors through thought, Arbaugh's victory pushes the boundaries.

The Neuralink Brain Chip

The seemingly effortless tweet that followed – "Just checkmated my opponent with my mind! #Neuralink #TheFutureIsHere" – highlights the potential for BCIs to revolutionize how we express ourselves online.

Of course, ethical considerations and technological limitations remain. As Neuralink and other companies continue to refine this technology, the future of HCI becomes even more exciting.

Yotta's Bold AI Venture

Yotta, led by its 52-year-old CEO, is ushering in a new era of artificial intelligence in India by securing thousands of Nvidia chips, as the country takes a significant leap into the global AI market.

With special attention from global tech leaders like Nvidia's Jensen Huang and recognition from PM Narendra Modi, India's potential in the AI market is undeniable. As Huang emphasized, India possesses abundant talent, making it poised to become one of the world's largest AI markets.

India’s AI Market Size 2019-2029

Sunil Gupta's vision aligns with the imperative to develop India-centric AI models, reflecting the country's cultural diversity and linguistic richness.

Yotta believes that with concerted efforts to harness local talent and cater to unique market demands, India is set to make significant strides in shaping the future of AI on a global scale.

Apple-Google Partnership

Apple and Google are in discussions to integrate Google's AI model, Gemini, into the iPhone, a move that could reshape the AI landscape. Led by CEO Tim Cook, Apple are planning to introduce new AI capabilities this year.

Despite facing initial setbacks in developing its own large language model, Apple holds substantial potential in the AI sphere, given its vast user base and reputation for privacy protection.

Generative AI Market Share 2023

The integration of Gemini into iPhones would mark a significant milestone in mainstreaming generative AI. Analysts view the partnership as mutually beneficial, offering advanced Gen AI to Apple while bolstering Google's presence on over 2 billion iOS devices.

Apple’s selecting Google as an A.I. supplier is a crucial vote of confidence in the search giant after setbacks to its A.I. ambitions this past year.

In conclusion, the Apple-Google discussions signify a shift in AI integration, with implications for a broader AI industry. If successful, this collaboration could set a precedent for innovative AI integration in consumer electronics.


Chipotle’s 50-for-1 Stock Split

Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG.N) announced on Tuesday that its board had authorized a 50-for-1 split of its common stock, resulting in a roughly 7% increase in the burrito chain's shares during after-hours trading.

Closing at a record high of $2,797.56 on Tuesday, its shares had surged over 70% in the past year.

Stock Split Mechanism

In a press release, Chipotle's Chief Financial and Administrative Officer, Jack Hartung, expressed the belief that this move would increase accessibility to the company's stock for employees and a wider array of investors.

Chipotle's choice to authorize the stock split underscores its dedication to improving accessibility for employees and investors. This strategic action not only demonstrates confidence in the company's ongoing expansion but also reinforces its goal of encouraging wider engagement in its achievements.

Soaring Cocoa Prices and what this means for your Favorite Chocolates

Cocoa futures concluded a significant week on Friday, surging by $630 per metric ton, marking the largest single-day increase in dollar terms for the essential ingredient in chocolate.

The report attributes the rising prices to shifting weather patterns. Increased rainfall during the last crop season led to a surge in diseases among cocoa trees. Presently, cocoa tree farmers in West Africa are contending with dry conditions associated with this year's El Niño phenomenon.

Cocoa Price Trends

As a result, experts anticipate a decline in consumer demand, particularly as individuals grapple with purchasing essential items amidst inflation. They note that indulgences such as chocolate, often impulse purchases at convenience store checkouts, are likely to be affected.

Today, the chocolate market faces challenges from both weather-related cocoa production issues and consumer demand constraints.

China’s Gen-Z and its Love Affair with Gold Beans

China's Gen Z is embracing gold beans as a secure investment strategy. These small, gram-sized gold nuggets, retailing around 600 yuan ($83), are not just financial assets but also symbols of stability and prosperity.

Tina Hong, an 18-year-old college student, represents this shift towards gold as a safeguard against volatile markets and low bank interest rates, viewing it as an affordable yet secure investment

Purchasing Power per Age Group

This trend reflects a broader movement among young Chinese consumers, who now constitute a significant portion of gold jewelry buyers. The allure of gold beans, often shaped like melons or koi fish and priced accessibly, lies in their dual function as both a decorative item and a long-term investment.

The global gold market has recently seen prices soar to new heights, with gold reaching $2,195 per ounce. This surge underscores the commodity's enduring appeal as a hedge against macroeconomic instability.

In a world where the future seems ever more uncertain, could these tiny gold beans indeed offer a glimmer of stability for the young investors of China?


Tech Giants and Nucor’s Clean Energy Partnership

Google aims to achieve an ambitious 24/7 carbon-free energy operation by 2030.

To accomplish this Google recently announced a partnership with Microsoft and Nucor, to aggregate demand for clean electricity technologies and accelerate their commercialization.

Benefits of Joint Large Scale procurement for Clean Electricity Tech

The companies will test a project delivery framework centered on: securing off-take agreements for emerging technologies at early cost stages, advocating for customer interests with policymakers, and collaborating with energy providers to establish innovative tariff structures.

It’s interesting to note that according to Fortune, Google has the most aggressive sustainability plans compared to its competitors. It’s progress so far, is indicative of a high probability they achieve their 2030 goal.

Largest Energy Plant?

In the deserts of Gujarat, India, Adani Green Energy Limited (AGEL) is spearheading a monumental project, the Khavda Renewable Energy Park, set to become the world's largest renewable energy source.

The $20 billion project aims to address India's dual challenge of meeting its surging energy demand while combating pollution and climate change, envisioning to power a staggering 16 million homes with clean electricity.

India’s Installed Power (Jan 2024)

The park spans over 200 square miles, presenting an unparalleled opportunity to harness renewable energy on an unprecedented scale.

Amidst India's ambitious climate goals, including sourcing 50% of its energy from renewables by the end of the decade and achieving net zero emissions by 2070, AGEL's monumental investment signals a significant shift towards a sustainable Indian future.

Saudi Aramco on the Energy Transition ‘Failure.’

This week, the energy sector witnessed a clash of visions. Amin Nasser, CEO of oil giant Saudi Aramco, fired a shot across the bow of the green movement, declaring the energy transition a failing fantasy .

Nasser argues that the world's insatiable energy needs to continue to be met primarily by fossil fuels, despite surging investments in renewables . He points to the stark reality – oil and gas remain the dominant players, and transitioning away entirely is simply unrealistic in the near future

The Aramco CEO proposes a new strategy: focus on reducing emissions throughout the oil and gas production chain, rather than aiming for complete elimination.

But is Nasser right? We believe the answer lies not in abandoning one path entirely, but in a more nuanced approach that leverages both fossil fuels with lower emissions and a continued push for clean energy breakthroughs.


  • Stock Split

    A stock split occurs when a company's board of directors distributes additional shares of stock to existing shareholders without diminishing the value of their holdings. This action effectively boosts the total number of shares available while reducing the price per individual share.

  • Generative AI

    Generative AI empowers users to swiftly produce fresh content leveraging diverse inputs. These inputs and outputs encompass text, images, sounds, animations, 3D models, and various data types. By employing neural networks, generative AI models discern patterns and configurations within existing data to craft innovative content.

  • Brain Computer Interface (BCI)

    A brain-computer interface (BCI) entails a partnership between the brain and a device, facilitating the transmission of signals from the brain to influence external actions, like maneuvering a cursor or operating a prosthetic limb.


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Editor : Rahul Verma

Authors: Hardit Sabharwal, Kabeer Bhagat, Amartya Patel, Yash Bhatia, Rahul Verma